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The Big Data Platform Solution Of China Coal Group Was Successfully Selected As The Excellent Big Data Solution Of Shandong Province In 2022

Date:2023-01-06     Label:

China Coal News


In order to implement the national big data strategy, implement the requirements of the Guiding Opinions on the Development of Industrial Big Data, the "Fourteenth Five Year" Digital Powerful Province Construction Plan of Shandong Province and other documents, recently, Shandong Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology organized and carried out the provincial excellent big data products, excellent big data solutions, excellent big data application cases and key big data enterprises in 2022 Collection of key big data resources (hereinafter referred to as "three excellent and two important") projects. After unit application, preliminary review by the municipal bureau, expert review and other procedures, the big data platform solution of coal mining machinery manufacturing industry based on 5G technology of China Coal Group was successfully selected as the excellent big data solution of Shandong Province in 2022.

The Big Data Platform Solution Of China Coal Group Was Successfully Selected As The Excellent Big Data Solution Of Shandong Province In 2022

Based on the big data platform solution of the coal mine manufacturing industry based on 5G technology, our group collects product IoT data, combines PLM, MES, ERP, CRM, e-commerce and other data fusion, and generates an enterprise operation model through processing and analysis of the big data platform, and assists in making decisions based on the corresponding processing results to achieve an enterprise operation innovation model of "platform+end". The solution deeply integrates emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, cloud computing, big data, edge computing, and forms a full chain capability of cloud, network, edge, and end. It gradually extends from the peripheral links of production to the core links such as R&D design, production manufacturing, quality detection, fault operation and maintenance, logistics transportation, and safety management, and fosters the formation of collaborative R&D design, remote equipment control, equipment collaborative work, flexible production and manufacturing 10 typical application scenarios, including on-site auxiliary assembly, machine vision quality inspection, equipment fault diagnosis, factory intelligent logistics, unmanned intelligent inspection, and production site monitoring, help enterprises reduce costs and improve quality and work safety. It has been successively rated as the "mass entrepreneurship and innovation" demonstration platform of manufacturing industry by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the pilot demonstration project of big data industry development in 2021, and the typical case of enterprises going to the cloud by the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology. It has also been rated as the demonstration project of industrial big data platform in Shandong Province, the excellent industrial cloud platform of enterprises going to the cloud in Shandong Province, the provincial industrial Internet platform in Shandong Province, the provincial pilot demonstration project of "modern advantageous industrial cluster+artificial intelligence", and many other honors.

The Big Data Platform Solution Of China Coal Group Was Successfully Selected As The Excellent Big Data Solution Of Shandong Province In 2022

The selection of Shandong Excellent Big Data Solutions in 2022 is another affirmation of the Group's comprehensive strength and technical level, fully demonstrating the Group's technological leadership in platform R&D and application and core competitiveness in product comprehensive R&D. Next, the Group will continue to adhere to scientific and technological innovation, take technological innovation as the driving force, data as the core, and information network as the basis, and provide services such as digital transformation, intelligent upgrading, and integrated innovation to meet the needs of high-quality development of enterprises. By promoting the digital transformation of enterprises, the Group will improve the level of intelligent decision-making and real-time control of production processes, and accelerate the cultivation of digital industries and the development of advanced manufacturing industries, Make positive contributions to the province's high-quality economic development, transformation of new and old drivers, industrial transformation and upgrading, and constantly improve the technological innovation in big data management and application, so as to contribute to the development of big data industry.



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